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In 1975

Below Hook Drum Lifters


The Morse model 90 Verti-Karrier drum carrier lifts rimmed steel drums weighing up to 1,000 pounds. Model 92 can lift fiber or plastic drums up to 1,000 pounds. Morse drum lifters have carefully designed geometry, with their broad-faced grippers spreading the holding force to reduce pressure exerted on the drum. A narrow profile helps lower and raise a drum into an overpack drum.

Learn more about below hook drum lifters and how to use them, then request a quote from Arbon Canada today.

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Vertical Drum Lifters

Arbon Canada carries Morse below-hook drum lifter models, including the 90 Series Verti-Karrier and the 92 Series. These vertical drum hoists can lift drums that weigh up to 1,000 pounds (454 kilograms).

Morse Drum Lifters for Sale

Arbon offers robust drum lifters and tilters. Our vertical drum lifters are powerful tools for lifting barrels that must remain upright. These vertical drum lifts come from Morse — one of the world’s top manufacturers.

The Morse 90 Series and 92 Series are among the strongest and most versatile drum lifters for sale in Canada. These below-hook drum lifters hover over the barrel and use a clamping mechanism to grasp it, applying pressure just under the rim from two opposite points. The vertical, below-hook lifting style allows these systems to lift heavy barrels.

Morse drum lifters have carefully designed geometry, with their broad-faced grippers spreading the holding force to reduce the pressure that it exerts on the drum. Their narrow profile helps lower and raise a drum into an overpack drum.

Why Use a Vertical Drum Hoist?

A drum hoist is essential in industrial environments where employees must move large, heavy barrels. Vertical or below-hook drum lifters the the optimal choice for 55-gallon (210-litre) barrels that must remain upright.

These systems offer the strength to hoist drums multiple times in a day and maintain an upright position throughout each lift. They also offer precise tilting controls for extracting some or all of the barrel’s contents.

A below-hook drum lifter also improves workplace safety. With this type of lift, warehouse workers can hoist and move drums of various sizes without risking injury.

Which Drum Lifter and Tilter Is Right for Your Facility?

The below hook drum lifter that’s right for your facility depends on the type of drums you need to transport. Both the Morse model 90 Verti-Karrier and the 92 Series drum carriers lift rimmed steel drums weighing up to 454 kilograms.

The 90 Series model is simple and effective. It will lift upright 55-gallon steel drums ranging from 22 1/6 to 22 7/16 inches (56 centimetres to 57 centimetres) in diameter. Its intricate control capabilities allow it to reach barrels in tight spaces.

The 92 Series prioritizes versatility. In addition to steel drums, the 92 Series also hoists rimmed fibre or plastic drums. Its capacity ranges from 30 to 85 gallons (113 litres to 321 litres), with diameters between 18 inches to 26 inches (45.7 centimetres and 66 centimetres). Slim-profile grippers allow it to slide a drum into an overpack.

Request a Quote

You can purchase this drum lifter and other products from global manufacturing leaders through Arbon Canada — contact us online or call us to receive a price quote.


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