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Toll Free (519) 659-2832 Mon - Fri 8:00AM - 5:00PM
ISO 9001:2008
In 1975



Built from the best quality materials, our guard rails are strong, adaptable and – when properly installed – engineered to withstand a 10,000-lb impact at 4 mph. That means the equipment on your shop floor will be protected from traffic accidents and other hazards. Use Cogan heavy duty guardrails to safeguard machinery, conveyors, rack-aisle-ends, inventory areas, and loading docks. Our guardrail barriers work equally well protecting mezzanines, offices, walls, heating and cooling equipment, and computer control centers.

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Purchase warehouse guardrails and safety barriers through Arbon Canada. We provide custom solutions for preventing vehicles from causing damage or injury in industrial environments. We offer robust industrial guardrails designed for ever application including steel, impactable polymer, and retractable mesh. With these systems, we can tailor safety barriers for warehouse aisles, machinery, heating and cooling equipment, offices, pallet racks and numerous other areas.

Guardrails From Arbon Canada

Guardrails are safety barriers that contain warehouse vehicles to areas where they can operate safely. Whether due to a malfunction or negligence, an operator could lose control of a vehicle and veer into an area where it could cause significant damage. By installing warehouse guardrail systems, you can protect the people, equipment, products and structures on your warehouse floor. Guardrails feature durable steel or polymers.

Polymer-based guardrail systems offer a cost-effective way to separate spaces and direct a vehicle operator’s path. Heavy-duty steel rails can divert the forces from a vehicle collision. At low speeds, the guardrail can hold its ground, allowing the operator to steer the vehicle back onto its correct course. At higher speeds, a guardrail can absorb the brunt of the collision, preventing the vehicle from colliding with bystanders or nearby assets.

When to Use Guardrails in a Warehouse

Our warehouse safety barriers can serve as reliable protection in various locations. As a turnkey guardrail system designer and installer, Arbon Canada can help you implement safety barriers that surround:

  • Walkways, staircases and mezzanines
  • Production machinery
  • Conveyor systems
  • Warehouse equipment
  • Electrical panels
  • Heating and cooling systems
  • First-aid stations
  • Control consoles
  • Loading docks
  • Inventory racks
  • Office spaces

Benefits of Installing Warehouse Guardrails

At Arbon, we can equip your facility with a dependable warehouse safety barrier system tailored to the environment. We use the highest-quality materials to promote strength and adaptability. Our heavy duty pre engineered steel and polymer systems are designed to withstand a 10,000-lb impact at 4 mph (4,536-kilogram impact at 1.8 meters per second).

These rugged barrier systems will reliably protect the people, equipment and products on your shop floor from traffic accidents and other hazards, resulting in numerous benefits:

  • Prevent injuries: Installing guardrails makes an active warehouse a safer place for on-foot personnel and visitors.
  • Prevent equipment and product damage: A guardrail system can act as a racking safety barrier that stops collisions between vehicles and equipment or storage areas
  • Preserve your building: Guardrails can prevent collisions with structural elements like columns and walls.
  • Reduce downtime: By preventing and minimizing damage, guardrails allow warehouse crews to spend more time working and less time waiting for repairs.
  • Improve efficiency: Guardrails can also serve as guides that keep vehicle operators on the optimal path.

Request a Quote for Warehouse Safety Rails

Our warehouse guardrails are durable, versatile protective systems that can reduce damage and injury. We can customize a guardrail assembly that fits your facility’s floor plan and offers durability sufficient for your workforce’s activities. For more information about Cogan guardrails or to request a quote, please contact Arbon Canada online or call us today.


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